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Organic Phosphonates

Organic phosphonates, including HEDP acid, possess remarkable characteristics in various applications. They exhibit excellent thermal stability, chemical resistance, and scale inhibition properties. Organic phosphonates are effective chelating agents, dispersants, and corrosion inhibitors, making them valuable in water treatment, industrial processes, and personal care products. HEDP acid, in particular, offers exceptional sequestration and scale inhibition capabilities, preventing the formation of scales and maintaining system efficiency. Its low toxicity and environmental compatibility further enhance its appeal. 

Applications of HEDP Scale Inhibitor

Oil and Gas Industry

Used in oilfield operations to prevent scale deposition in production equipment, pipelines, and downhole


    HEDP-SOLID, or Solid Sodium Salt of 1-Hydroxy Ethylidene-1,1-Diphosphonic Acid, is a highly efficient and convenient water treatment chemical in solid form, offering exceptional scale and corrosion inhibition properties for industrial applications.

    ATMP SOLID, or Solid Sodium Salt of Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid, is a highly effective and convenient water treatment chemical in solid form, offering exceptional scale and corrosion inhibition properties for industrial applications.