This week, the price of sodium metabisulfite has risen (1.6-1.10)
Domestic price trend chart of sodium metabisulfite
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyi Society, the price of domestic sodium metabisulfite remained stable this week. The average price of industrial grade sodium metabisulfite at the beginning of the week was 1853 yuan/ton, and the average price over the weekend was 1860 yuan/ton, with a price increase of 0.36%.
This week, the domestic market price of industrial grade sodium metabisulfite has slightly increased. The upstream soda ash price of sodium metabisulfite has remained stable this week, and the downstream market transactions have improved, supporting the slight increase in sodium metabisulfite prices. Sodium metabisulfite manufacturers are optimistic about the future market. (The above prices refer to the quotes provided by mainstream domestic enterprises, and some unreported enterprises are temporarily not within their scope. The prices are for reference only and are not related to the final pricing of the manufacturers. For details, please contact each manufacturer for consultation.).
Future forecast
At present, the sodium metabisulfite market is actively traded, and it is expected that the domestic market price will mainly fluctuate and strengthen in the short term.